Here are the most common telecom acronyms starting with V from the world of computer networking.
← Back to Full Telecom AcronymsV | Normalized frequency |
V | Volt |
V&H | Vertical and Horizontal |
V.35 | Interface |
VA | Veterans Administration |
VA | Voltampere |
VAC | Volts, alternating current |
VACC | Value-Added Common Carrier |
VAD | Value Added Dealer |
VAL | Vicarm Arm Language |
VAM | Video Area Manager |
VAN | Value-Added Network |
VANS | Value-Added Network Service |
VAP | Voice-Activated Platform |
VAPC | Vector Adaptive Predictive Coding |
VAS | Value-Added Services |
VAX | Virtual Address Extension |
VBR | Variable Bit Rate |
VC | Virtual Circuit |
VCA | Voice Connecting Arrangement |
VCR | Video Cassette Recorder |
VCS | Vendor Coordination Service |
VCS | Virtual Circuit Switch |
VCXO | Voltage-controlled Crystal Oscillator |
VDC | Volts, Direct Current |
VDL | Vienna Definition Language |
VDT | Video Display Terminal (also Visual Display Terminal) |
VDU | Video Display Unit (also Visual Display Unit) |
VF | Voice Frequency |
VFFT | Voice-Frequency Facility Terminal |
VFG | Virtual Facility Group |
VFT | Voice Frequency Telegraph |
VFY | Verify |
VG | Voice Grade |
VGA | Video Graphics Array (monitor) |
VGDF | Voice Grade Data Facility |
V-H Coordinate | Numerical coordinates that define the location of a rate center |
VHF | Very High Frequency |
VHI | Virtual Host Interface |
VIEW | VPN, Insite, Enabling Technologies & WATS Core Team |
VIU | Voice Interface Unit |
VLC | Voice Line Card |
VLMM | Very Large Main Memory |
VLSI | Very Large Scale Integration |
VM | Virtual Memory |
VM/370 | Virtual Machine/370 |
VMACS | VPN Management Access Control System |
V-mail | Voice Mail |
VMX | Voice Message Exchange |
VN | Virtual Network |
VNL | Via Net Loss |
VOGAD | Voice-Operated, Gain-Adjusted Device |
VOM | Voice-Only Module |
VON | Virtual On-Net |
VP | Virtual Path |
VPA | Voice Path Assurance (tests) |
VPA | Volume Purchase Agreement |
VPB | Voice Processor Board |
VPI | Virtual Path Identifier |
VPL | Virtual Private Line |
VPN | Virtual Private Network |
VPN(SM) | Virtual Private Network |
VRC | Vertical Redundancy Check(ing) |
VRMS | Volts/Root-Mean-Square |
VRTM | Verification Requirements Traceability Matrix |
VRU | Voice Response Unit |
VSAM | Virtual Storage Access Method |
VSAT | Very-Small-Aperture Terminal |
VSB | Very Severe Burst |
VSB | Vestigial Sideband Modulation |
VSPC | Visual Storage Personal Computing |
VSS | Video Server System |
VSS | Voice Server System |
VTAM | Virtual Telecommunications Access Method |
VTC | Video Teleconference |
VTCS | Video Teleconference System |
VTOC | Volume Table of Contents |
VTP | Virtual Terminal Protocol |
VTP | Virtual Transport Protocol |
VTS | Video Transmission Service |
VTS | Video Transmission Services |