Here are the most common telecom acronyms starting with I from the world of computer networking.
← Back to Full Telecom AcronymsI&M | Installation and Maintenance |
I/O | Input/Output |
IA | Information Architecture (IS) |
IAC | Integrated Access Controller |
IAC | Intracalling |
IAG | International Applications Group (of IFIP) |
IAL | Immediate Action Limits |
IAL | International Algebraic Language |
IAM | Integrated Access Module |
IAML | Intraoffice Matching Loss |
IAO | Intraoffice |
IAOG | International Administration Management Domain Operator’s Group |
IAPR | International Association for Pattern Recognition |
IAR | Initial Assessment Report |
IASA | Integrated AUTODIN System Architecture |
IASC | Information Assets Security Committee |
IASC | International Association for Statistical Computing |
IAT | Inter – Application Testing |
IAW | In Accordance With |
IBI | Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics |
IBM | International Business Machines |
IBN | Integrated Business Network (Northern Telecom Inc.) |
IBS | Interim Billing System (FANASD) |
IBX | InteCom, Inc., switch (trademark) |
IC | Instruction Counter |
IC | Integrated Circuit |
IC | Interexchange Carrier |
IC | InterLATA Carrier |
ICA | Installation Configuration Audit |
ICA | Intelligent Communications Adapter |
ICA | International Communications Association |
ICA | Irreversible Corrective Action |
ICADS | Integrated Code Abuse and Detection System |
ICARB | Integrated Customer and Revenue Billing |
ICARR | Integrated Customer and Revenue Reporting |
ICB | Individual Case Basis (or Based) |
ICB | Intelligent Channel Bank |
ICC | Insite Customer Control |
ICC | International Computer Center |
ICD | International Code Designator (four-digit prefix/ISO) |
ICI | Incoming Call Identification |
ICI | Intercarrier Interface |
ICI | ISDN Call Identification |
ICL | International Computers Ltd. |
ICL | Inter-Remote Switching Module Communication Link(s) |
ICL | Inter-RSM Communication Link(s) |
ICLID | Individual Calling Line Identification |
ICM | Intercom |
ICM | International Communications Management |
ICM | International Connections Manager |
ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol |
ICP | International Computer Programs |
ICSC | Interexchange Carrier Service Center |
ICT | Incoming Trunk |
ICT | International Computers and Tabulators |
ID | Identification |
ID | Individualized Dialing |
ID | Isolation Diagrams |
IDC | Insulation Displacement Connection |
IDC | International Data Corporation |
IDCU | Integrated Digital Carrier Unit |
IDDD | International Direct Distance Dial |
IDDD | International Direct Distance Dialing |
IDEN | Incoming Data Enable (signal) |
IDF | Integrated Demand Forecast |
IDF | Intermediate Distributing Frame |
IDFT | Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform |
IDN | Integrated Digital Network |
IDN | Integrated Digital Network (NOCC) |
IDP | Individualized Dialing Plan |
IDR | Intermediate Data Rate |
IDS | Integrated Data Store |
IE | Information Engineering |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers |
IEEE-CS | Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers – Computer Society |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force |
IEW | Information Engineering Workbench |
IEX | Incoming Exclusion Screening |
IF | Identification Failure |
IF | Intermediate Frequency |
IFAC | International Federation of Automatic Control |
IFB | Invitation for Bid(s) |
IFCPC | Interoffice Facilities Current Planning Center |
IFIP | International Federation for Information Processing |
IFL | Interfacility Link |
IFM | Installation Force Management |
IFORS | International Federation of Operational Research Societies |
IFP | International Facility Planner System |
IFRB | International Frequency Registration Board |
IGRP | Interior Gateway Rating Protocol |
IID | Interlocation Intercom Dialing |
IIT | Incoming Intercept Trunk |
ILC | Individual Learning Center |
ILD | Injection Laser Diode |
ILLIAC | Illinois Automatic Computer |
IM | Information Management |
IM | Installation Manual |
IM | Intensity Modulation |
IM | Interface Module |
IMACS | International Association for Mathematics and Computing in Simulation |
IMB | Incoming Message Buffer |
IMC | International Maintenance Center – formerly INOC (NOCC) |
IMCS | Intelligent Micro Control Store |
IM-EUS | Information Management (End User Services) |
IMIA | International Medical Informatics Association |
IML | Incoming Matching Loss |
IMLT | Integrated Mechanized Loop Test(ing) |
IMO | Information Management Operations |
IMP | Implementation |
IMP | Implementation Management Plan |
IMP | Infrastructure Modernization Plan (IS) |
IMP | Interface Message Processor |
IMPS | Interactive Modeling and Projection System |
IMS | Information Management System |
IMS | Inventory Management System |
IMS/VS | Information Management System/Virtual Storage |
IMSL | International Mathematical and Statistical Libraries |
IMT | Inter-Machine Trunks |
IMTS | Improved Mobile Telephone Service |
IN | A type of central office trunk |
IN | Intelligent Network |
INA | Internal Network Address |
INC | International Carrier |
IND | Individual |
INDIT | Incoming Trunk Preliminary Digit Interpreter Table |
INDIV | Individual |
INDOA | International Operator Assisted |
INDPS | International Network Development Performance System |
INE | Intermediate Network Element |
INETS | Interim National Emergency Telecommunications System |
INH | Inhibit |
INL | Internode Link |
INMS | Integrated Network Management Service |
INPP | Interim Network Practice and Procedure |
INT | Integration Test |
INT | Intercom |
INT TEST | Integration Testing |
Intelsat | International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium |
INTL | International |
INWATS | Inward Wide Area Telecommunications Service |
INWG | International Network Working Group |
I-O channel | Part of the input/output system of a computer |
IOAMP | Inter – Network Operations, Administration, Maintenance & Provisioning |
IOC | Input/Output Controller |
IOC | Input/Output Controller (Northern Telecom Inc. DMS-100) |
IOC | Integrated Optical Circuit |
IOC | Interoffice Carrier |
IOCS | Input/Output Control System |
IOD | Input/Output Devices (Northern Telecom Inc. DMS-100 subsystem frame) |
IOE | Input/Output Equipment |
IOF | Interoffice Facilities |
IOMI | Input/Output Message Interface |
IOMI | Input/Output Microprocessor Interface (AT&T) |
IOP | Input/Output Processor |
IOS | International Operator Services |
IOT | Interoffice Trunk |
IP | Instruction Processor |
IP | Internal Protocol |
IPC | Information Processing Center |
IPCI | Integrated Personal Computer Interface |
IPL | Initial Program Load |
IPL | International Private Line |
IPL | International Private Line |
ipm | Impulses per Minute |
ipm | Indications per Minute |
ipm | Interruptions per Minute |
IPML | Inter-Peripheral Message Link |
IPO | Initial Public Offering |
IPP | Installment Purchase Plan |
IPR | Information and Problem Reports |
IPS | Information Processing System |
IPS | Information Products & Services |
IPS | Invoice Processing System |
IPS | Invoice Processing System (B) |
IPT | Initial Programmer Training |
IQ | Invoice Query |
IR | Information Retrieval |
IR | Infrared |
IR | Initial Requirements |
IR | Installation Representative |
IR | Instruction Register |
IR | Internal Requirement (IS) |
IRC | International Record Carrier |
IRE | Institute of Radio Engineers |
IRG | Inter-Record Gap |
IRIA | Institut de Recherche d’Informatique et d’Automatique |
IRM | Office of Information Resources Management (GSA) |
IRS | Internal Revenue Service |
IS | Information Systems |
IS | In-Service |
IS | Intraconnect Schematics |
IS Date | In-Service Date |
ISA | Instrument Society of America |
ISA | Integrated Systems Architecture |
ISA | Inward Selected Access |
ISAM | Indexed Sequential Access Method |
ISC | Industrial Security Clearance |
ISD | Integrated Services Document (IS) |
ISDD | Incoming Start-to-Dial Delay |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network |
ISDNUP | ISDN User Part (also ISUP and IUP) |
ISDP | Installed System Documentation Package (IS) |
ISLU | Integrated Services Line Unit |
ISN | Integrated Systems Network (AT&T) |
ISO | Information Systems Organization |
ISO | International Standards Organization |
ISODATA | Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Technique |
ISP | Information Strategy Plan |
ISP | Instruction Set Processor |
ISPS | Instruction Set Processor Specifications |
ISR | Information Service Request |
ISR | Initial Service Requirements |
ISR | Initial Sizing Report (IS) |
ISR | Initial Study Request |
ISS | Integrated Search System |
ISS | International Settlement System |
ISS | International Switching Symposium |
ISSMB | Information Systems Standards Management Board |
ISTF | Integrated Services Test Function |
ISUP | ISDN User Part (also ISDNUP and IUP) |
ITA | International Trade Administration |
ITAP | Integrated T1 Access Partitioning |
ITB | Incoming Trunk Busy |
ITDM | Intelligent Time Division Multiplex |
ITEM | International Traffic Exchange Module |
ITF | Integrated Test Facility |
ITFS | International Toll Free Service |
ITI | Idle Trunk Indicator |
ITI | Interactive Terminal Interface |
ITM | Information Technology Management |
ITPP | Interim Technical Practice and Procedures |
ITS | Integrated Telecom Solutions |
ITS | International Translations System |
ITS | Invitation to Send |
ITSE | Incoming Trunk Service Evaluation |
ITSO | International Telecommunications Satellite Organization |
ITT | International Telephone and Telegraph |
ITT FAXPAK | ITT product |
ITU | International Telecommunications Union |
ITV | Instructional Television |
IU | Interface Unit |
IUP | ISDN User Part (also ISDNUP and ISUP) |
IVAN | International Value Added Network |
IVAN | International Value Added Networks |
IVAS | International Value Added Services |
IVAS | International Value Added Services |
IVD | Integrated Voice and Data |
IVDM | Integrated Voice/Data Multiplexer |
IVDT | Integrated Voice/Data Terminal |
IVI | Interactive Video Instruction |
IVPN | International Virtual Private Network (P) |
IVR | Interactive Voice Response |
IW | Inside wire |
IXC | Interexchange Carrier |
IXSD | International Telex Subscriber Dialing |
IXT | Interexchange Channel |