Here are the most common telecom acronyms starting with B from the world of Telecom/Networking.
← Back to Full Telecom AcronymsB channel | Bearer channel (circuit-switched channel of 64 kbps for either voice or data) |
B/I | Burn In (MFG) |
b1 | bit 1 |
B8ZS | Binary with Eight Zero Suppression |
B8ZS | Bipolar 8 Zero Substitution (or Bipolar with 8-Zero Substitution) |
BA | Basic Agreement |
BA | Business Area (IS) |
BAA | Business Area Analysis (IS) |
BAC | Billing Account Code |
BAFO | Best and Final Offer |
balun | Balanced to Unbalanced |
BAS | Basic System |
BASIC | Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code |
BB | Billing Block |
BBER | Background Bit Error Ratio |
BBF | Blue Box Fraud |
Bc | Committed Burst Size |
BCC | Block Check Character |
BCD | Binary Coded Decimal |
BCDR | Billing Call Detail Record |
BCI | Bit-Count Integrity |
BCON | Battery Connect |
BCPL | Basic Combined Programming Language |
BCR | Budget Comparison Report |
BCS | Batch Change Supplement |
BCS | Batch Change Supplement (Northern Telecom Inc.) |
BCS | British Computer Society |
BCS | Bulk Change Supplement |
BCS | Bulk Change Supplement (AT&T) |
BCS | Business Communications System |
BCSA | Business Communications System Architecture |
BCT | Business Communications Terminal |
BDAM | Basic Direct Access Method |
BDLC | Burroughs Data Link Control |
BDM | Badger Meter |
BDP | Business Data Processing |
BDS | Bill Delivery Systems |
BDT | Billing Data Transmitter |
BE | Board Enable |
Be | Excess Burst Size |
BEA | Bureau of Economic Analysis (Dept. of Commerce) |
BEARS | Batch Error Analysis Resolution System |
BECN | Backward Explicit Congestion Notification |
BEL | 10 decibels/transmission units giving the ratio of two powers |
Bellcore | Bell Communications Research |
BERT | Bit Error Rate Test(ing) |
BEST | Building Excellence in Supervisory Training |
BEST | Building Excellence in Supervisory Training |
BEX | Broadband Exchange |
BFRP | Business Function Recovery Plan |
BFs | Signaling framing bit sequence |
BFt | Framing bit sequence |
BH | Busy Hour |
BHCA | Busy Hour Call Attempts |
BHCA | Busy Hour Call Attempts |
BIA | Business Impact Analysis |
BIAC | Broadband Integrated Access Controller |
BIC | Building Industry Consultant |
BIC | Bus Interface Controller |
BICT | Business Improvement Core Team |
BIG | Billing Improvement Group (IPS) |
BILLNUM | Billing Number Field in the CDR |
BINAC | Binary Northrop Automatic Computer |
BIP | Bit Interleaved Parity |
BIP | Built In Place |
BIS | Business Information Systems |
BISAM | Basic Indexed Sequential Access Method |
B-ISDN | Broadband ISDN |
Bisync | Binary synchronous (character-oriented protocol) |
Bit | Binary digit |
BITS | Billable Traffic Study |
BIU | Bus Interface Unit |
BLDN | Blank Directory Number |
BLERT | Block Error Rate Testing |
BLF | Busy Lamp Field |
B-link | The wired connection between the stage 1 switch in a Line Switch frame and the stage 0 switch in a Line Junctor Switch frame; the wired connection between the stage 1 switch in a Trunk Switch frame and the stage 0 switch in a Trunk Junctor Switch frame. |
B-MAN | Broadband Metropolitan Area Network |
BMC | Billing Media Converter |
BMD | Biomedical (computer programs) |
BMDP | Biomedical (computer programs-P series) |
BMG | Business Marketing Group |
BMG | Business Marketing Group (S) |
BMIS | Business Maintenance and Installation Services |
BMT | Basic Modular Telephone |
BMU | Bus Multiplexing Unit |
BN2 | Broadband Network 2000 |
BNF | Backus-Naur Form |
BNL | Brookhaven National Laboratory |
BNR | Bell-Northern Research |
BNS | Basic Network Services |
BNS | Billed Number Screening |
BOA | Basic Ordering Agreement |
BOC(s) | Bell Operating Company (ies) |
BOCC | Building Operation Control Center |
BOD | Building Occupancy Date |
BOLD | Bit Oriented Link Discipline (NCR) |
BOM | Bill of Material (MFG) |
BOM | Bill of Materials |
BOR | Basic Output Report |
BOSS | Billing and Order Support System |
BP | Bipolar |
BPAD | Bisynchronous Packet Assembler/Disassembler |
bpi | bits per inch |
BPR | Billing Problem Referral |
bps | bits per second |
BPS | Bits Per Second |
BPSS | Basic Packet Switching |
BPV | Bipolar Violation |
BRC | Bus Repeater Card |
BRCS | Business and Residence Customer Services |
BRI | Basic Rate Interface |
BRITE | Basic Rate Interface Transmission Extension |
BROOT | Backup ROOT (UNIX file system) |
BS | Banded Signaling |
BS | Billing Server |
BSA | Basic Serving Arrangement |
BSA | Bulk Services Agreement |
BSA | Business Systems Architecture (IS) |
BSAM | Basic Sequential Access Method |
BSC | Billing Server Client |
BSC | Binary Synchronous Communication |
BSC | Broadband Services Center *** |
BSC | Business Service Center |
BSC/SO | Business Service Center/Service Order |
BSD | Business Systems Development (IS) |
BSE | Basic Service Element |
BSG | Business Services Group (S) |
BSP | Bell System Practice |
BSP | Burroughs Scientific Processor |
BSRF | Basic Synchronization Reference Frequency |
BSRF | Bell System Reference Frequency |
BSRS | Bell System Repair Specification |
B-Tables | Billing Rate Tables |
BTAM | Basic Telecommunications Access Method |
BTBA | Battery Termination Bus Assembly |
BTN | Bell Telephone Number |
BTN | Billing Telephone Number |
BTSR | Bootstrapper |
BVC | Billing Validation Center |
BWM | Broadcast Warning Message |
BX.25 | AT&T version of X.25 |