Here are the most common telecom acronyms starting with E from the world of computer networking.
← Back to Full Telecom AcronymsE | Irradiance (or spectral irradiance) |
E&M signaling | A signaling arrangement characterized by the use of separate paths for the signaling and the voice signals (derived from “Ear” and “Mouth“) |
E/MARCS | Enhanced/Mechanized Assignment Record Conversion System |
E/N/W | Evening/Night/Weekend |
E/W | Engineered and Wired |
E911 | Enhanced 911 Service |
EA | Equal Access (switching) |
EADAS | Engineering and Administration Data Acquisition System |
EADAS/DC | Engineering and Administration Data Acquisition System – Data Collection |
EADAS/NM | Engineering and Administration Data Acquisition System – Network Management |
EADP | Enhanced Adjunct Data Processor |
EAEO | Equal Access End Office |
EAI | Electronic Associates, Inc. |
EAI | Emergency Action Interface |
EAN | Equipment Access Network |
EAP | Employee Assistance Program (HR) |
EAROM | Electrically Alterable Read Only Memory |
EAS | Equal Access Signaling |
EAS | Extended Service Area |
EASOP | Economic Alternative Selection for Outside Plant |
EBCD | Extended Binary Coded Decimal |
EBCDIC | Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code |
EBCU | Equivalent Basic Call Unit |
EBF | Emergency Bug Fix |
EBMG | Eastern Business Marketing Group |
EBO | Executive Busy Override |
EBS | Electronic Business Set |
EBT | Electronic Benefits Transfer |
EBU | Emitter Coupled Logic Bus Unit |
E-BUS | Emitter Coupled Logic Bus Unit Associated Bus Cables |
EC | Echo Canceller |
ECA | Exchange Carrier Association |
ECC | Error Correcting (or Correction) Code |
ECD | Equipment Configuration Database |
ECIS | Embedded Common Channel Interoffice Signaling |
ECL | Emitter-Coupled Logic |
ECLIPS | Enhanced Clearline Proposal System |
ECMA | European Computer Manufacturers Association |
ECN | Engineering Change Notice |
ECORE | Enhanced Core |
ECP | Enhanced Call Processing |
ECR | Electronic Cash Register |
ECR | Engineering Change Request (MFG) |
ECS | Error Correction Switch |
ECS | Extended Core Storage |
ECSA | Exchange Carriers Standards Association |
ECT | Echo Cancellation Technique |
EDAL | Engineering Documentation Authorization List |
EDALS | Extended Dedicated Access Line Service |
EDC | Error Detection and Correction |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange (NOCC) |
EDLCP | External Data Link Communications Package |
EDP | Electronic Data Processing |
EDSAC | Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator |
EDSL | Extended Digital Subscriber Line |
EDSX | Electronic Digital Cross Connect |
EDUCOM | Educational Communications (name of Interuniversity Communications Council) |
EDVAC | Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer |
EEHO | Either End Hop Off |
EEOC | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission |
EEPROM | Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory |
EFRAP | Exchange Feeder Route Analysis Program |
EFS | Error Free Seconds |
EFTS | Electronic Funds Transfer Systems |
EGP | Exterior Gateway Protocol |
EHF | Extremely High Frequency |
EI | External Input |
EIA | Electronic Industries Association |
EICC | Emergency Information and Coordinating Center |
EIF | External Interface File |
EIOC | Enhanced Input/Output Controller |
EIOC | Enhanced Input/Output Controller |
EIR | Employee Information Record (HR) |
EIRP | Effective Isotropic Radiated Power |
EIS | Expanded Inband Signaling |
EJC | Early Job Conference |
EKTS | Electronic Key Telephone Set |
ELA | Extended Line Adapter |
ELI | Extensible Language I |
ELN | Essential Line Service |
ELP | Encode Level Point |
ELS | Electronic Loop Segregation |
ELST | Electronic Loop Segregation Test |
Electronic Mail | |
EMAS | Electronic Multiline Appearances Set |
EMC | Electromagnetic Compatibility |
EMD | Equilibrium Mode Distribution |
EMF | Electromagnetic Force |
EMF | Electromotive Force |
EMI | Electromagnetic Interference |
EML | Estimated Measured Loss |
EMMS | External Message Management System |
EMP | Electromagnetic Pulse |
EMP | Equipment Management Plan |
EMR | Electromagnetic Radition |
EMS | Electronic Mail System |
EMS | Equilibrium Mode Simulator |
EMSCC | Electro-Mechanical Switching Control Center |
EMV | Electromagnetic Vulnerability |
ENFIA | Exchange Network Facilities Interconnect Arrangement |
ENG | Engineering |
ENQ | Enquiry (Bisynch control character) |
ENS | Extended Network Services |
EO | End Office |
EO | Engineering Order (MFG) |
EO | Executive Order |
EOB | End of Block |
EOB | Executive Office Building |
EOD | End of Data |
EOF | End of File |
EOM | End of Message |
EON | End of Number |
EOP | Executive Office of the President |
EOT | End of Transmission (Bisync control character) |
EOTS | Equipment Order Tracking System |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.) |
EPABX | (Digital) Electronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange |
EPLANS | Engineering, Planning, and Analysis Systems |
EPROM | Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory |
EPS | Encapsulated PostScript |
EPSCS | Enhanced Private Switched Communications Service |
EPSN | Enhanced Private Switched Network |
EPSS | Experimental Packet Switching System |
EPU | Extended Processing Unit |
EQL | Equipment Location |
EQUIPDAT | Equipment Database |
ER | Error Rate |
ERA | Engineering Research Associates |
ERCC | Eastern Regional Control Center (NOCC) |
ERD | Entity Relationship Diagram (IS) |
ERDT | Expensive Route Delay Time |
ERL | Echo Return Loss |
Erlang | Dimensionless unit of traffic intensity used to express the average number of calls underway or the average number of devices in use |
ERMA | Equipment Repair and Maintenance Applications |
ERS | Emergency Restoration Services |
ERS | Employee Records System (no longer used, replaced by HRIS) |
ERWT | Expensive Route Warning Tone |
ES | End System |
ES | Enterprise System |
ES | Errored Seconds |
ES/IS | End System/Intermediate System |
ESA | Emergency Stand Alone |
ESAC | Electronic Switching Assistance Center |
ESF | Extended SuperFrame |
ESFMS | Extended SuperFrame Format Monitoring System |
ESL | Essential Service Lines (Emergency Service (911) with ringdown trunk) |
ESN | Electronic Switched Network (Northern Telecom Inc. DMS-100) |
ESP | Employee Stock Program (HR) |
ESP | Enhanced Service Provider |
ESP | Enhanced Services Platform |
ESP | Essential Service Protection |
ESPP | Employee Stock Purchase Plan |
ESPRIT | European Strategic Program for R&D in Information Technologies |
ESS | Electronic Switching Service |
ESS | Electronic Switching System |
ESS/CO | Electronic Switching Service/Central Office |
ET | Exchange Termination |
ETACS | Extended Total Access Communications System |
ETAS | Emergency Technical Assistance Service |
ETB | End of Block (Bisync control character) |
ETHIS | Enhanced Trouble Handling Information System |
ETI | Electronic Telephone Interface |
ETL | Equipment Test List |
ETN | Electronic Tandem Network (AT&T Technologies) |
ETS | Electronic Tandem Switching |
ETS | Electronic Telephone Set |
ETS | Electronic Translator System |
ETSI | European Telecommunications Standards Institute |
ETV | Educational Television |
ETX | End of Text (Bisync control character) |
E-type pulsing signal | An end of pulsing signal used when panel call indicator (PCI) traffic is completed through a crossbar tandem |
EUCI | Endorsed for Unclassified Cryptographic Items |
EUS | End User Services |
EUT | Equipment Under Text |
EVA | Extreme Value Administration |
EVE | Extreme Value Engineering |
EVFU | Electronic Vertical Format Unit |
EVHD | Extreme Value Estimate of High Day |
EVR | Electronic Video Recording |